Special Events
Check in here for Mock Trials, Workshops and Seminars.
Novice Workshops with Karon
Do you feel like you’re ready to start trialling? Maybe you have just started competing but things aren’t quite coming together? this is a great opportunity to have a go at a whole Novice Course. The format will be to run a novice course from start to finish to see where you are at. We will then break things down into sections and work through any issues and create improvement. Lastly you will get to put the whole thing back together a couple of times. We will have the option to run a second course if time allows.3 hours workshop with 6 participants
Capacity: FULL!
Open Jumping Mock Trial and Dog Measuring Day 23rd Feb
The JDO course will be designed and judged by Danielle Lyonne, one of our newest judges. The course will be open for walking from 7am to 7.30am. The event will run as close as possible to trial conditions. You are welcome to run more than one dog, but each will require a separate booking. Please put your dog's name and height category in the notes section when you book. A run sheet will be published prior to the trial. At 10.30am we will pause the trial and have 2 judges available to officially measure dogs and issue Height Cards. At the conclusion of measuring, the trial will recommence.
Dean Crossthwaite Seminar 8th March
We are super excited to invite you to a day of training with Dean Crossthwaite!
As well as being a popular judge, Dean is an impressive handler, with a very well trained dog. We look forward to Dean sharing the details that go into his training program.
The day will comprise of 2 sessions:
Capacity: FULL!
Capacity: FULL!
We will also have AUDIT spots available for each session where you may come, watch, learn, take notes and ask questions.
Stacy Goudy Workshop - Sep25
Details coming soon - watch this space!