Weekly Training Sessions
Training Sessions to practice Agility skills!
These sessions have an instructor on hand, however you may choose to do your own independent training
Different level Sessions available on Friday, Saturday or Sunday.
Friday Sessions
Pre-Novice Sessions Fridays - 7PM
An opportunity to run Novice sequences & prepare your dog for a full course. Instructor on hand to assist. 4 in the class - 60 minutes long. Pay by the week. This course is suitable for dogs that can run sequences & have startlines and engagement but need skills proofed.
Saturday Sessions
Pre-Novice Sessions Saturdays
Instructor : Prue McLoynes
An opportunity to run Novice sequences and prepare your dog for a full course. 4 in the class - 60 minutes long. Pay by the week. This course is suitable for dogs that can run sequences, who have & startlines and engagement but need skills proofed. Perfect class for inexperienced dogs and handlers before trialling. The 10.30am sessions are at present dedicated to refreshing specific skills, rather than running a course.
Sunday Sessions
Pre-Novice Sessions Sundays
8am Pre_Novice Sessions Sundays - Instructor : Karon Hallling
An opportunity to run Novice sequences & prepare your dog for a full course. Instructor on hand to assist. 4 in the class - 60 minutes long. Pay by the week. This course is suitable for dogs that can run sequences & have startlines and engagement but need skills proofed.